When people first land at your website, they won't be using a marketer's critical eye to assess the copywriting and web design
But while they won't be analysing every bit of web copywriting, they WILL be forming a subconscious first impression about what's on offer from your website, compared to your competitors.
And that, right there, is a problem if your web content fails the "Same old, same old" test.
Print off your home page, and those of... say... four to six competitor websites.
Use a black felt pen to block out the logo, business name and any other key graphic design or branding elements that identify which page comes from which business.
Give the pages to someone and ask them to tell you which is YOUR website. And ask them to read the content, and then tell you which is yours.
I have done this many times for business owners who have asked for a 2nd opinion, and quite often, they can't even pick out their OWN website when they are all on the table in front of them.
The reason is, of course, that most web copy is pretty much the same.
Most web content doesn't have a strong 'voice' that aligns with the business. Instead, it is just formal 'webspeak' — just like everyone else's site.
Here's the problem. The web is a directory, not a newspaper. It is a place where people actively SEEK OUT a solution or product.
This means that they ALREADY know they want what you are selling. They just have to decide WHO to buy it from. When you sound just like everyone else, you run the risk of having price as the only deciding factor — rather than the true value of your product or service being considered.
You'll end up underselling yourself — and missing out on opportunities to grab the attention of people who will happily pay a premium for a quality service or product.
There are a number of ways our web copywriters address this when developing web content, and there is more complexity than we can cover here.
However, two key issues to think about with your web content are...
Focus on the benefits you offer, rather than just the features. That will immediately elevate YOUR perceived value, compared to your competitors.
Benefits are what your customers will get as a result of doing business with you.
Think about it... brainstorm with your team... ask yourself...
What difference will you make for your customers?
THESE are the issues that are of interest to the people reading your website copy! These are the issues that will give you an advantage, and increase the perceived value of what you offer.
If appropriate (it will depend on your industry sector), your web copywriter should give your content a tone/style that gives your site a personality.
Clearly, developing the voice has to be handled correctly, and must align with your brand strategy. But it CAN be done. Done the right way, it will give your site a different feel from that of your competitors, and help to set you apart in the minds of your potential clients.
Ideally, you want people to feel that they know you as a result of reading your web content. They should get a sense of what you are about, the way you do business and your attitude to them and their needs.
And by the way, the same applies to your direct mail marketing and any other marketing communications. Don't make the mistake of writing in a formal tone, the way Miss Grinch taught you in grade three. Use your OWN voice, or one that you develop for your business. Let people see the people behind the scenes, so they feel that there is more to you your business than four walls, some carpet and a few desks.
As part of our service here in our Brisbane graphic design studio, we offer a complementary 2nd opinion of your website (or brochure, direct mail letter or any other marketing collateral).
We'd be happy to take a look at your site and give you some insights as to where the content and design could be improved.
Why not get in touch with us today? There's no obligation, and we won't just give you a 'tick 'n flick' report. Our senior people will look at your marketing collateral, and give you good, solid feedback that will help you to see where the weaknesses are and any opportunities you may be missing to improve your results.