How to ensure your website traffic holds up in the new era With all the recent talk about Chat GPT, you could be forgiven for thinking that Google’s days as a search engine are through. But is that ...
Tips for avoiding problems with spammy, low quality website content Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader both knew it: the path to the Dark Side might be quicker… easier… more tempting – but that way ...
Here’s why “set and forget” may not give you the best result If your business relies on Google Ads for website traffic, you’ll be aware that Google is continually optimising and changing the way that ...
Here’s what the data says in 2023 It’s a question that has kept digital marketers occupied ever since the first person said, “Hey I’ve had a great idea: I bet our customers would enjoy hearing from ...
You want to grow your business, and that means you need more sales.
What you should consider before deciding to DIY your Google Ads If you run your own business, you’ve probably thought about investing in a Google Adwords campaign (now called Google Ads) to help ...
Here’s a lesson from a builder that applies to ANY business I was talking to a builder about sales leads and digital marketing generally. It was an interesting conversation because he was in the ...
3 insider tips for using Marketing Automation to improve your business
Here’s three ways Marketing Automation can help sales managers to improve things. As a sales manager, you want your sales team to follow-up leads, right? But of course it isn’t as simple as stamping ...
Pointers to help you get more business from your website I was with a group of business owners at a function recently when someone asked me an interesting question.